

Our Expertise

Running Repair Agent

  • We are your car department
  • Inspect 100% of your interchange cars for AAR and FRA defects
  • Repair a majority of the cars in the field, without needing a switch
  • Provide discounted pricing for your railroad owned cars

Multilevel Pre-Trip

  • Top quality AAR audits
  • AAR repairs on site
  • Best in class process
  • Your railcars will be vehicle ready

Car Prep and Cleaning

  • On site car cleaning and repair
  • Door repair
  • Food grade washing and prep for loading
  • Paper grade car prep

Switching 榴莲视频IOS成人

  • MSHA certified
  • GCOR qualified conductors and certified locomotive engineers
  • Service 24-7, 365 days a year
  • Additional car repair and track maintenance offered

USDA Inspection Stations

  • Protecting the borders with agricultural inspections
  • Teams trained in USDA regulations and requirements
  • Inspections 24-7 -- every train that crosses the border between Mexico and US